The ChanceLight Education Consortium approach gives neighboring schools a chance to partner together to provide specialized support in a structured learning environment for students with social emotional needs and behavioral deficits.
Students in the Consortium program benefit from opportunities, like:
- Greater access to services
- Reduced transportation time
- Increased support from district
- Special Education Personnel
- Customized programs to support district needs
- Increased grade completion
Our programs have a foundation in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). We are experts at understanding the function of behaviors and teaching students the skills they need to be successful in classroom and in life.
Students Benefit from:
- Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS)
- Direct Instruction for remediation of skills
- Direct instruction on grade-level learning standards
- Evidence-based social skills instruction
- Individualized and/or small group counseling (per student IEPs)
- Functional analysis of challenging behavior and behavior intervention plans if needed