ChanceLight offers a comprehensive educational program for school-age students grades K-12 with autism, emotional or behavioral disabilities, and other disabilities which require focused academic, behavioral, and transition services.
The program is designed for students who’s IEPs require:
- Functional classroom environment
- Intensive behavioral supports
- Focus on skills acquisition
- Challenging behavior reduction
This program is for students K-12 who need:
- Help increasing skills in communication and self-management
- Adaptive living and academics transitions
- Discrete behavior supports services
- Functional Behavior Assessments conducted
You can Expect:
- A structured environment for maximum support
- Qualified and trained personnel to deliver services
- A systematic use of resources, physical factors, and organizational strategies
- Collaboration with district to ensure successful implement of all programs
“Spectrum has helped change some ‘bad habits’ associated with my autism and helped me with school assignments and projects.”
-Student, Spectrum